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    Ready For The Next Level? 3 Professional Assets You Need To Get There

    As my sis-in-scribe, Vivian, shared in an earlier post— being an entrepreneur is not easy. Between the emotional, financial, and spiritual challenges you face—it can be downright stressful trying to build a brand, find clients, scale, make boss moves, live on purpose, AND secure the bag at the same damn time.

    For most new entrepreneurs, one of the greatest struggles is figuring out what they need to take their business to the next level. And for others, it’s trying to figure out how to solidify themselves as a “professional.” Studies show that we only have about 14 seconds to grab and hold someone’s attention. So, what are you doing with your time?

    Here are three professional assets that you should have on hand to help you get and keep it.

    Elevator Statement

    One of the best places to start in this conversation is with an elevator statement or elevator pitch. Nothing frightens or trips up entrepreneurs more than when someone asks the daunting question, “what do you do?” Without a structured thought, you’ll quickly find yourself stuttering and stammering trying to find the words or, worse, hold someone up for far too long to the point they’ve lost interest in you AND your business.

    This speech should be brief enough to present during a short elevator ride (hence the name) and sufficient for them to learn who you are, who you serve, and what you provide. 

    Example: My name is Tierany. I write stories for websites and brands. My passion is coming up with creative ways to express messages and ideas that help people tap into their higher selves. 

    Professional Bio 

    The next professional asset that every creative needs is a professional bio in the clutch. Here’s why: a professional bio is your introduction to the world— literally. Bios are typically used for speaker introductions (stage, podcast, summits), author bio, PR opportunities, as well as the framework for social media profiles. 

    This short piece should speak to who you are and what you do as a professional, with a sprinkle of dopeness. It should highlight your accomplishments, give a great testimonial, and share a little something to provide a sense of you. You shouldn’t share that you got perfect attendance in 2nd grade, but you should share that you graduated top of the class in high school or college.


    The third and final asset that you should have tucked away in your back pocket is a one-sheet. When most people think of a one-sheet (or a one-page media sheet), they automatically think about speaking or PR opportunities. However, this puppy does so much more.

    You can use a one sheet to pitch yourself to potential collaborators, brands, sponsorships, and pretty much anything else. The key is creating one that speaks to who you are and what you do. 

    This document should include a hi-res professional photo (no cell phone pics, please), your professional bio, expert areas, and contact information. It should be easy to read and eye-catching, so graphics and bomb layouts are a plus. And of course, your logo should be present there because, branding. 

    As you can see, it doesn’t take much. But, a little planning and thought can put you on the road to success as an entrepreneur. The key is making sure that you have what you need so that when opportunities come knocking, you’ll be ready and won’t be scrambling to get ready! 

    Oh, and if you need any help creating any of the assets above, holla at your girl.

    wife. writer. creator. owner. conversationalist. doer.

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