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    A Common Thread: Artist Cierra Lynn Talks Fashion And Mental Health

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    In recent years, the blogs and social platforms have all been abuzz with conversation surrounding wellness and mental health. Instagram alone boasts nearly ten million posts at any given time behind the hashtag search of #mentalhealthawareness. For some companies and fad-focused brands, the wellness industry has become an entry point for those looking to capitalize on trend culture.

    For others however, the centering of our individual and societal mental health, has offered up a keen opportunity for businesses and artists alike to bring attention to its prioritization.

    The Block recently caught up with DC-based visual artist Cierra Lynn, to discuss her work, and her own passion for the incorporation of self care within her creative process, as well as its composition. 

    Photo by @heyal_belllee

    Cierra, who considers herself a visual creative who produces wearable art, began her journey at a young age. In elementary school, she found her knack for creativity and design in the form of painting cartoon characters on jean jackets for classmates and friends. Cierra carried this practice into high school, and later college, where she attended Norfolk State University in Virginia for graphic design. During her collegiate years the artist graduated from cartoon drawings on denim, to producing work for campus sororities and fraternities who would commission Cierra to design line jackets and other paraphernalia, a challenge she willingly accepted. 

    “Back then it was just a way for me to buy school supplies.” Cierra Lynn shared with The Block. 

    Post college, Cierra found herself battling with challenges of a different kind. As her mother began struggling with dementia, Cierra took over as her caretaker. A role she had only recently stepped into, as she mothered her own two-year old daughter. Having to juggle the new responsibilities of caring for a parent, as well as managing the duties of single motherhood, life quickly became overwhelming. Seeing the mental health and self care being discussed more openly, Cierra began to question just how she could make the space for her own healing.

    Although Cierra’s mother sadly passed in April of this year, she made the decision to seek grief therapy nearly two months before she transitioned. During this time she was able to recognize just how important, and life changing, committing to therapy could be. 

    Photo by @heyal_belllee

    “I started to incorporate more affirmations into my artwork, and started talking about just how cool and fly I thought it was to go to therapy. It just became my thing, and I decided to associate my brand with it.”

    Cierra began to explore the parallels of her new-found mental health awareness, and her creative practices. In addition to committing to see her therapist on a regular basis, she also began to use of her gift as a form of therapy. By shifting her focus away from the dollar amount of each creation, she was able to find healing and joy in her artistic practice. This then led to the incorporation of positive affirmations in the designs she produced.

    With brilliant and bold colors, Cierra’s new tagline became “promoting self love, self expression and individuality through art.” From tee shirts, dresses, and the newest must have accessory of the season, the face mask, Cierra’s positive messages are worn for all to see and be moved by. Phrases like “Silence the stigma” and “I am me,” are featured in her affirmation collection, her most notable creative work to date.

    Cierra’s wearable art has captured the attention of big name celebrities like Kierra Sheard, Nicole Ari Parker, and the uber talented Taraji P. Henson. 

    Photo by @heyal_belllee

    Cierra Lynn is not only known as a trendsetter, artist or fashion designer, but as a mental health advocate who utilizes her artistic talents to bring awareness to the importance of its discussion. When asked how she makes time to prioritize her own mental health, the self described workaholic responded:

    “Rest! It’s back to the basics for me— working out, meditating, and trusting my instincts.”

    Although it’s hard to picture Cierra performing anything in a way that could be described as basic, we’re happy to hear that she’s found a way to balance her work with her self care.

    To learn more or to view Cierra Lynn’s art, you can visit her website: You can also find on her Instagram: @theartistcierralynn.

    Alexandra Jane, a.k.a. AJ is an essayist and Black femme literary preservationist from Greensboro, North Carolina. She additionally operates a Charlotte based book club, Unfold, focusing exclusively on the works of Black women writers.

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