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    Faith and Focus: Business Musings from ‘The V Guru’

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    Shakira McGill doesn’t claim to have all the answers when it comes to starting a business. She simply lives by the motto, “Go get it, sis.”

    “When you want something, you won’t know when the right time to strike is. But if you never strike—you’ll never know,” she told The Block.

    As a master herbalist, expert hydrotherapist and the owner of V Spa Charlotte, McGill has a passion for educating women about their bodies.

    Photo courtesy of V Spa Charlotte.

    The road wasn’t easy, but her V Spa now has two locations (one of which she opened during the pandemic) in Charlotte and Huntersville, N.C., offering holistic services that help with PMS, postpartum symptoms, overall reproductive health and more.

    Providing womb therapy and healing is the root of her focus, and she attributes her faith as the key to her success.

    “God never said it was going to be easy; He just said He would do it,” McGill said.

    McGill is that friend and business partner who asks how she can help because she believes iron sharpens iron.

    While opening her first location, it took her a year to get things off the ground. McGill prepared her finances while still working a 9-5. Once she felt ready to step out and start—V Spa opened, and she trusted her faith and the work she put in.

    “I started out rocky. Money was shaky; I robbed Peter to pay Paul, but no matter what, I kept going,” she recalled.

    “If you are building something, sticking to it is all that matters.”

    Shakira McGill

    For the budding entrepreneur, she can’t stress enough the necessity of hard work.

    “When in pursuit of starting a business, more than anything, preparation is key,” she said.

    Observing the nature of the current generation, she believes many expect success to come like popcorn. Unfortunately, there is no button to press for instantaneous earning.

    McGill began her business putting in the time and focus to scale to more than one location. She was able to build her team by doing the work alongside them.

    “You cant expect someone to work with you and build your dream if they don’t see you working,” McGill explained. “You have to put in the blood, sweat and tears, and God will take care of the rest.”

    The best part of being the owner of the V Spa? McGill says it’s the women she gets to meet and connect with. She loves being able to build and share with women who come in questioning life and questioning their womb. Her hope is that, after leaving V Spa, women feel whole again and have a better understanding of how powerful their bodies are.

    For more information on V Spa services, follow @vspa_charlotte or visit

    Vivian Page is an award-winning author. She is the creator of Love Y Vida, an organization that connects Black and Latinx communities through literature and art.

    • info1d441af6c1a

      Inspiring article. Just awesome!

      March 31, 2021
    • Angel

      Her faith is unwavering, and she speaks only encouraging words. I’m inspired to pursue a dream now. She made me feel it’s never too late.

      April 12, 2021

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