Written by: Branna Calloway
Having a calling in this life is a blessing, and it can be incredibly scary at the same time. It would be great to have a job that makes you feel good about going to work, and allows you the ability to live without too many regrets. The thing that you really desire is a reason for doing what you do, and it’s often deeper than just a mere feeling. It’s a way of life that opens doors and connects you to the world around you in such a way, that you become almost elevated.
It happened for Chadwick Boseman, and it should happen for you, too.
During last year’s SAG Awards, Boseman quoted Nina Simone: “To be young, gifted and Black.” Boseman’s nuanced portrayal of King T’Challa/Black Panther, really sold the power of Wakanda. His purpose shone through in the poignant depiction of a prince taking on the mantle of his kingdom, after mourning the death of his beloved father, all while saving the world in the process.
He was so much more than a superhero.
What is purpose?
How often have you set an intention for your actions, but they did not quite live up to your thoughts? Purpose is a little different. It happens when you set an intention for your life, and begin to commit and sacrifice while following the direction of your internal compass.
In a commencement speech given at his alma mater, Howard University, back in 2018, Boseman spoke of being “willing to take the harder way, the more complicated one, the one with more failures at first than successes.” He was commenting on building character which is essential in operating in your purpose. It’s incorporating a sense of integrity because you’re aware of not only how your choices affect you, but others who look like you.
How to live a purpose-filled life
Leading a purpose-filled life means arming yourself with the knowledge necessary to bring all of your plans to fruition. Becoming a fan of lifelong learning will only help your growth, and accelerate your progress. You should be cognizant of choosing mentors and programs that will unlock your potential. Make sure your tribe contains focused peers and wise teachers that will critique you, as well as hold you accountable, because iron sharpens iron.
Boseman found a community in Howard’s Fine Arts department that pushed him to expand his talent. They helped him realize some grand ideas, and always held him down.
Always remember to remain a little curious. Curiosity keeps the mind open to receive, whether by listening to the people around you, or to yourself. It keeps you present and able to capitalize on ideas and opportunities. Who knows? Those random thoughts that you completely dismiss, could be the beginning of your journey.
Ryan Coogler—director of Fruitvale Station, Creed, and Black Panther— recently talked about the extra touches Boseman incorporated into the story, including the language of Wakanda and even Killmonger’s final scene at the cave’s opening. His openness to ensuring the characters’ story was played authentically, helped fashion the awesome finished product we saw and loved.
While remaining open, it is also very important to cultivate a sense of discernment. Awareness of how and when to use the word “no,” helps save time and conserve energy. Not every opportunity that comes your way is for you, nor will it be in alignment with your why. And it’s okay to reject them, even if it means sacrificing to do so. When dialed into purpose, you will not want to waste energy pursuing something that doesn’t fulfill that higher calling.
Over the course of his career, Chadwick Boseman turned down roles that did not tell the stories he wanted to tell. As a working actor, you can only imagine what those choices cost him. That use of voice and exercise in faith, established a lasting legacy.
Gratitude is an incredible motivator and it helps you push through all the negativity. Writing down or simply taking a moment to reflect on things that have made your journey a little easier, keep you on the path. It is through gratitude that you realize how far you’ve come since you started, and with that in mind, you can plan the next steps in achieving everything you set out to do.
Boseman took the time to give thanks to his school for the foundation it provided, and benefactors like Denzel Washington who both helped advance his studies abroad and paved the way for his generation.
Invest only in those projects that truly speak to you, and spend it with people that build you instead of breaking you down. The uncertainty of time is a scary thought, but it should only serve to teach you how precious this one life is, and not to waste a single moment.
In 2016, Boseman was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. He completed work on 10 films, including four superhero movies and one in humid 104 degree weather. All of which happened after receiving the diagnosis, and starting treatment.
Chadwick Boseman left us on August 28, 2020. It does not feel like a coincidence that it was on the newly designated Jackie Robinson Day. In 42, Boseman gave the breakout performance that brought more attention to this purpose-driven actor. He always aimed to tell uplifting, transformative stories of, and for Black people.
43 years feels like such a short span to do all of the important things. But, in moving with purpose, he was able to achieve that and so much more. May his life, and his stories, always serve as a beacon of what is possible when you give your life over to purpose.